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About Us
All About Us

Welcome to Saffire Goldens and thank you for stopping by. We have owned goldens since 1985 and have been actively showing in AKC conformation events since 1997. Our goldens here are first and foremost our extended family. They all live in our home and are a part of everyday life and activities.
We show in AKC events as a family sport. My daughter Haley started in Junior Showmanship in 1997 and it just seemed to take on a life of it's own. Haley not only showed very successfully in Jrs but she also branched out into the breed competition very rapidly. She is the exclusive handler of Saffire Goldens and also has handled and placed AKC Championships on other goldens and other AKC breeds. Presently, Haley is an AKC Judge for Junior Showmanship and is a Professional Handler showing all different breeds in AKC shows across the the United States and recently traveling to China to show at the World Dog Show
My other daughter Tara showed briefly in Jrs at 10, but soon discovered that she preferred just playing and training the dogs at home. Tara's other love is of horses which you can also see on this website. Tara graduated from Eckerd College and is a Marine Mammal Conservation Biologist - specializing in Manatees. She is employed by Florida Fish and Wildlife and also works at a Retired Race Horse Ranch in the Stable.
We are members of the Golden Retriever Club of America, , Florida Gulf Coast Golden Retriever Club and abide by their rules and regulations. I am presently the President of the Gulf Coast Golden Retriever Club here in Florida. The Golden Retriever is a special breed because of the wonderful temperment, intelligence, loyalty, compassion to all family members, and it's overall being. It is a breed that can be a family pet, show in the conformation ring, go hunting with it's owner, serve as a therapy dog, excel in obedience, and have a ball in agility. All these things can be possible if it is bred correctly by reputable breeders who sincerely care about the breed as a whole. When looking to add a golden into your home, make sure that the breeder you are speaking to answers your questions completely. That all breeding stock have required clearances from Board Certified Vets in the fields of hips, elbows, heart, eyes and thyroid. Additional DNA test are now available as well.
If you should have any questions regarding Goldens in general, or one of our goldens you see on this website - please do not hesitate to contact us. Owners/Breeders of Saffire Goldens are Sheree Melhuish & Haley Whitcomb & Tara Whitcomb
Have a great day!
